4 Ways to Build a Home Yourself

4 Ways to Build a Home Yourself

Building your own home is not only gratifying but, also allows you to save quite a lot in construction costs and time. If you already have the plot to build on, you could be surprised at just how cost-effective DIY home building can be. Nevertheless, the following are the top 4 ways to build a home yourself. 

Container Homes 

As the name suggests, the homes are made from shipping containers. The containers usually cost an average of $3,000 to $5,000, which significantly cuts the cost of building materials. You can opt for regular containers or refrigerated ones with insulation. The containers come in standard sizes but, can be easily converted into full-sized as well as story homes. Unlike traditional builds, container homes are eco-friendly and also quite versatile. You can hire a contractor to handle the structural modifications and, perform the finishes yourself. 

Shell Homes 

A shell home is an ideal alternative for those who wish to avoid expenses like framing and pouring the foundation. However, you will have some work to complete after the contractors have erected the shell. Besides, shell homes are subject to certain zoning regulations that must be adhered to during construction. That is why a zoning inspector must assess the structure before occupancy. The best way to acquire a shell home is through a company that builds shell homes. You can simply order a shell building then, complete the construction yourself. 

Home Kits 

With home kits, you will have all the building materials delivered to your location ready for assembly. While the costs vary based on the size of the house, using a home kit will cost you at least 20% less than a traditional build. If you can do much of the work yourself, you could even save more. Home kits are readily available in numerous floor plans and sizes for different price ranges. 

Tiny Homes 

Tiny homes are also an ideal option to consider if you want to build a home yourself. Depending on the type of home that you need, tiny homes cost slightly above $100,000. Many construction companies offer tiny house plans with accompanying material lists and building costs that you can easily order to build a new home yourself. 

No matter what alternative you choose to build a home yourself, the options discussed above will save you both money and time. Overall, DIY home building allows you to customize the house to your living needs and budget.…

5 Ways Construction Workers Can Stay Cool During the Hot Weather

5 Ways Construction Workers Can Stay Cool During the Hot Weather

Construction workers should keep their safety first when building a house during hot weather. That’s because excessive heat can lead to the illness of construction workers. And, some of these illnesses can become fatal. Here are five ways construction workers can stay cool in hot weather. 

Stay Hydrated 

Construction workers should stay hydrated by drinking water and sports beverages. If it’s very hot, a construction worker should drink water or a sports beverage every 15 to 20 minutes. However, they should avoid alcohol and caffeine because these can increase heat stress. The sports beverages they drink should have balanced electrolytes. 

Rest in Shaded, Cool Area 

Heat index values increase by up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit when a construction worker works in full sunlight. Therefore, construction workers should rest in shaded, cool places to allow their bodies time to cool down properly. 

Plan the Day Properly 

It’s crucial to plan how and where the construction workers will be working at certain times of the day. This will enable them to avoid places with direct sunlight when it’s very hot. Also, supervisors should bear in mind that no construction work is important than the safety and health of the workers. Therefore, they should allow them to take frequent breaks when working in direct sunlight and have emergency plans in place. 

Know the Symptoms 

Construction workers should know the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. This will ensure that no signs of heat illness are ignored. Ignoring symptoms of heat illness can lead to fatal incidences at the construction site. 

Alter Schedules 

Depending on the weather, hot jobs and heavy work can be scheduled for the cooler parts of a day at a construction site. Maintenance work should be scheduled during the cooler months where possible. Employees should also be supported to acclimatize to the hot temperatures. For instance, they can be allowed to start with small tasks and gradually progress to more complex tasks. 

Construction workers should also keep an eye on weather conditions and work during the day. They should also pay keen attention to their colleagues and ensure that safety and protective measures are observed at the construction site all the time.…

10 Reasons to Build a Custom House

10 Reasons to Build a Custom House

Based on the definition, building a custom home means you get everything just the way you want including the design, materials, features, and finishes. But, there is so much more to a custom home. The following are the top ten reasons to build a custom house. 

Designed for Your Lifestyle 

One of the obvious merits of a custom house is that you get to choose the particular designs for every section of the home. A custom house allows you to select the most suitable floor plans and customize the designs further to compliment your lifestyle. 

Ample Spaces for Family Living 

A custom home also allows you to create flexible spaces for the whole family. You can easily customize the spaces for more inclusive family settings without compromising privacy. 

Unique Living Spaces 

With a custom house, you also have the power to create living spaces like no other. Apart from just the floor plans, you can also select specific materials, finishes, and décor for every part of the house. 

Built within Your Budget 

Unlike production homes, building a custom home allows you to do things according to your budget estimates. You can opt for cheaper materials or even handle most of the work yourself to keep the costs within your budget. 

Built for Today and Tomorrow

Building a custom house also allows you to create spaces for your day-to-day and future living needs. You can include specific features for easy extensions in the future. 

Build Where You Want 

When building a custom house, you also get to choose a particular location that feels secure and convenient for you. 

Efficient Living Spaces 

Custom homes are today built with various energy-efficient features, which will ensure lower electricity bills while also keeping the spaces attractive. 

Built-in Smart Home Appliances 

When building a custom home, you can also have the contractors install modern home technologies such as automated and smart devices. 

Freedom to Choose Your Builder 

The custom home building also allows you to choose who to work with on the project. You could even decide to build the house yourself. 

Lower Maintenance Costs 

With a custom house, you can choose the best materials, fixtures, and finishes that will enable the structure to last longer without frequent maintenance. 

Considering all the reasons for building a custom house above, there is no doubt it is an investment that you should consider. Talk to a professional builder for help with designing and building a custom house. 

Check out some tips and advice from other construction savvy blogs and businesses.