5 Ways Construction Workers Can Stay Cool During the Hot Weather

5 Ways Construction Workers Can Stay Cool During the Hot Weather

Construction workers should keep their safety first when building a house during hot weather. That’s because excessive heat can lead to the illness of construction workers. And, some of these illnesses can become fatal. Here are five ways construction workers can stay cool in hot weather. 

Stay Hydrated 

Construction workers should stay hydrated by drinking water and sports beverages. If it’s very hot, a construction worker should drink water or a sports beverage every 15 to 20 minutes. However, they should avoid alcohol and caffeine because these can increase heat stress. The sports beverages they drink should have balanced electrolytes. 

Rest in Shaded, Cool Area 

Heat index values increase by up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit when a construction worker works in full sunlight. Therefore, construction workers should rest in shaded, cool places to allow their bodies time to cool down properly. 

Plan the Day Properly 

It’s crucial to plan how and where the construction workers will be working at certain times of the day. This will enable them to avoid places with direct sunlight when it’s very hot. Also, supervisors should bear in mind that no construction work is important than the safety and health of the workers. Therefore, they should allow them to take frequent breaks when working in direct sunlight and have emergency plans in place. 

Know the Symptoms 

Construction workers should know the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. This will ensure that no signs of heat illness are ignored. Ignoring symptoms of heat illness can lead to fatal incidences at the construction site. 

Alter Schedules 

Depending on the weather, hot jobs and heavy work can be scheduled for the cooler parts of a day at a construction site. Maintenance work should be scheduled during the cooler months where possible. Employees should also be supported to acclimatize to the hot temperatures. For instance, they can be allowed to start with small tasks and gradually progress to more complex tasks. 

Construction workers should also keep an eye on weather conditions and work during the day. They should also pay keen attention to their colleagues and ensure that safety and protective measures are observed at the construction site all the time.